We are delighted to announce we have funding to help deliver Wild About Calstock.

Wild About Calstock is an intergenerational arts project engaging school children at Calstock & Stoke Climsland Primary Schools and Sensory Trust’s dementia-friendly Walk & Laugh Group, using the tried and tested model of The Photobook Project.

Bringing different generations together, this will build a deeper appreciation of the local environment and wildlife. Three guided nature walks will offer a supportive experience of observing, documenting, sharing knowledge and learning, culminating in a visit to The Box, Plymouth, and an exhibition at Calstock Arts.

Please contact: The Clerk, Calstock Parish Council, Tamar Valley Centre, Cemetery Road, Drakewalls, PL18 9FE. clerk@calstockparishcouncil.gov.uk  01822 748847 www.calstockparishcouncil.gov.uk

This project has been supported by FEAST, Arts Council England, Cornwall Council, Calstock Parish Council, Sensory Trust, Calstock Arts, The Photobook Project, The Box  and the Tamara Landscape Partnership (a delivery branch of the Tamar Valley AONB) .