Policies & Guidelines

Standing Orders

The Parish Council’s Standing Orders

Environmental and Climate Emergency Strategic Plan

The Parish Council’s Environmental and Climate Emergency Strategic Plan

Financial Regulations

The Parish Council’s Financial Regulations explained

Risk Management Policy

Risk Management Policy

Risk Register

Risk Register to be read in conjunction with the Risk Management Policy

Code of Conduct

Calstock Parish Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors 

Delegation Policy

Delegation Policy – to be read in conjunction with the Finance Regulations

Health & Safety

The Council’s Health and Safety policy explained

Complaints Policy

How the Parish Council deals with complaints

Grievance Policy

The Council’s Grievance Policy in relation to employees & staff

Capital Works

Implementing a Capital Works Process


The Council’s employee and staff Disciplinary Procedure

Staffing Policy

The Council’s Staff Support and Appraisal Policy

Cemetery Regulations & Fees

Regulations on the Cemeteries and Exclusive Rights of Burials

Memorial Plaque Regulations

Memorial Plaques guidelines with application form

Bench Policy and Application Form

Guidance and application form for the placing of a bench

Citizen of the Year Award

Guidelines and nomination form for Citizen of the Year

Moorings Regulations

Regulations for Moorings on Calstock Waterfront

Car Park Permit Regulations

Terms and Conditions for Residents’ Parking Permits

Canoe and Kayak Storage Regulations

Allotments Regulations

Regulations for Allotments

Abandoned Items Policy

The Council’s policy on Abandoned Items

Grant Awarding

How the Council can support local activities & causes