This project aims to raise awareness of the Parish Council’s Climate Change Action Plan and the environmental challenges and opportunities that the Tamar Valley AONB and Parish are currently seeking to address.The Parish Council has adopted an Environment and Climate Emergency Strategic Plan and has set up working groups to address three key objectives; Nature Recovery, Reducing Impact and Improving Health.

 Wild About Calstock is an intergenerational arts project engaging school children from Calstock & Stoke Climsland Primary Schools and members of Sensory Trust’s local dementia-friendly Walk & Laugh group, using the tried and tested model of The Photobook Project.

The aim of the project is to build a deeper appreciation of the local environment and wildlife through three guided nature walks, offering a supportive experience of observing, documenting, sharing knowledge and learning about the natural world in the Parish.

The themes of the walks are foraging, winter wetlands and local wildlife and the first one took place at Cotehele on Wednesday 1st November.

Fortunately, the weather was kind that day and the group had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon walk from Cotehele Quay to the Mill, led by professional forager, Joanna Ruminska. It was a perfect time of year to forage in the woods and the children were particularly excited to discover a large outcrop of fungi on a tree and a bounty of sweet chestnuts. They learnt about edible plants along the way and Joanna served up a tasty array of foraged food at the end of the session.

The next walks are scheduled to take place on 6th December and 10th January.  The project also includes a visit to The Box in Plymouth to see the natural history collection and culminates in an exhibition and book launch at Calstock Arts in March.

This project has been supported by FEAST, Arts Council England, Cornwall Council, Calstock Parish Council, Sensory Trust, Calstock Arts, The Photobook Project, The Box  and the Tamara Landscape Partnership  (a delivery branch of the Tamar Valley AONB) .