Our native bees (and other insects) are in decline. This puts our environment – local and global – in grave danger.  There are things we can do to help. Please read these useful links to find out more.

The B4 Project is a Community Interest Company representing a group of beekeepers whose aim is to protect the UK’s native dark honey bee, Apis mellifera mellifera (often referred to simply as Amm). The purpose of the Project is to conserve, protect and increase the population of Apis mellifera mellifera, the European Dark Honey Bee  (EDHB), by the fusion of science and beekeeping. 


Pollenize delivers innovative nature-led remedies that help our pollinating insects, environment and communities flourish.


Bioblitzes engages community members in documenting local biodiversity over a set time period. Join the event at the Tamar Valley Centre. For more information click the link below:
