Due to the restrictions placed on the council as a result of the pandemic Coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of members of Calstock Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the council.

As per the seven comments I have received back these are the responses I am proposing for the following applications:
PA20/03083 Harrowbarrow – Listed building consent
The Parish Council are happy to support this application on condition that the conservation officer agrees with the proposal.
6 for 1 abstention
PA20/02501  Delaware – Pearces Illumination sign
The Parish Council are happy to support this application if the Highways officer agrees with the proposal
7 for unanimous
PA20/02443  Delaware – Pearces Fuel Tanker area
The Parish Council are happy to support this application
7 for unanimous
PA20/03020 Delware – Trecaron
The Parish Council are happy to support this application
5 for 1 abstention 1 against