We were delighted to award Agnes Thomas with the individual Citizen of the Year and the Tamar Valley Community Bus Association our Special Award.

Agnes has lived in Gunnislake all of her life and has been involved in countless activities with the community.  She has run coffee mornings, lunches, red cross training, done flower arranging in the church to name but a few.  She is an extremely popular and well known lady and we thank her very much for all her work.

Chair presents trophy and flowers to Agnes Thomas

Chair, Jim Wakem, presents Agnes Thomas with Citizen of the Year Award, 2023







The Tamar Valley Community Bus relies solely on volunteers to operate.  It provides a real lifeline to some people and reaches all parts of the parish, however rural.  For many people they are not on public transport routes and the Community Bus reaches them and takes them out on social activities, relieving isolation, and also gets them into the local towns for vital shopping and medical appointments.  The bus is nearing the end of its lifespan and requires a lot of money to replace it.  The Parish Council were able to announce that they are awarding the association £10,000 from CIL money towards a replacement bus.  Good luck to all of you, and many thanks for all that you do for people in the Parish.

Jim Wakem presents the Community Award

Chair, Jim Wakem, presents Jean Day, Carol Green and Phil Green (members of the Tamar Valley Community Bus Association) with the Special Award for Community Service