Ruth Wilton being presented with the Community Champion Award, nominated by Councillor Tracy Ledger and Presented by Chair, Jim Wakem.

We were delighted to present Ruth Wilton with a Community Champion Award at our Parish Meeting on Tuesday. Ruth was nominated by Harrowbarrow Ward Member, Tracy Ledger and she was a very popular choice.

Ruth was born locally and is a well loved and valued member of the Harrowbarrow community – and beyond. She has been a school governor, is continuously involved with the local chapel/Sunday school and the Tamar Valley Methodist Church in Albaston.

She has run the lunch club in the village hall for over 20 years until her recent retirement; keeping it clean and ensuring their 5 star environmental rating throughout her tenure.

Ruth has for many years judged various classes in the WI/Hall shows and at one time was a timekeeper for sheep shearing with a stop watch in each hand. She has a deep love for the environment and together with her husband were very supportive of many initiatives. 

Retired teacher Ruth, is always involved in the fundraising that the village does for cancer research.  She is taking anyone who needs it, a lift to the hospital or the hospice. On speaking to many members of the community it is obvious that Ruth is held in high esteem for her work behind the scenes and is an unsung, reliable hero in our community. Helping other people in so many different ways has always been part of Ruth’s life usually in a very unobtrusive way. People like her need to be celebrated.