Calstock Parish Council are pleased to see that Situ8 who wrote the Design and Access statement refers to the Calstock Neighbourhood Development Plan [NDP.]

The relevant section of the NDP is 17. LOCAL ECONOMY AND TOURISM where 17.6 says that ‘tourism has the greatest potential in the area for growth.’


  • LET2.1 says that ‘new and extended high-quality tourism facilities, attractions and accommodation will be supported where they are for tourism that capitalises on local assets.’ It is clear from the Design and Access Statement and from the 20 supportive public comments which are mainly from people that have used this campsite that this is just the kind of high-quality accommodation that the Plan envisaged.
  • LET2.2 says that ‘new non-permanent camping, chalet and caravan sites facilities will be considered on their merit having regard to the impact a development may have on the character of the area.’ This application has many merits and will not damage the character of the area.
  • The site is within the AONB. LET3 says that ‘proposals within the AONB must also conserve and enhance the landscape character and natural beauty of the AONB.’ This application conserves the character and beauty of the AONB.

Due to the restrictions placed on the council as a result of the pandemic Coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of members of Calstock Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the council.

The Parish Council are happy to support the application.