As the Parish Council cannot meet due to Government restrictions the following has been agreed by the members of the Council as of 22nd June 2020.

The Council delegates authority to the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman to take any actions necessary with associated expenditure to protect the interests of the community and ensure council business continuity during the period of the pandemic Coronavirus, informed by consultation with the members of the council. This is in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s101.         

Decisions and actions taken so far this week include:

  • Workmen busy cutting the grass in the area as per our planned maintenance schedule, also delivering various items around the Parish when required, removing fly tipping and normal litter picking duties
  • Continue organising volunteers for the vulnerable in the Parish
  • Continue with the marking of graves and burial paperwork
  • Sent out Planning Applications for response
  • Held virtual Amenities Meeting
  • Published Notice of Public Rights on the website and on the notice board
  • Answering parishioners’ queries


We are available on or

01822 748847 or 07858 588 710 please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we are able.